This collection of links has been compiled to help you find information and develop your teaching. To add a link, please use the 'contact us' link at the bottom of the page.
Sections: Teaching Opportunities | VLEs/Portfiolos/e-Modules | Improving your Teaching | Organisations
Teaching Opportunities
Teaching opportunities in the Edinburgh MBChB
NES Equality and Diversity Module
e-Training for Trainers [NHS] [WPBAs]
Edinburgh Electronic Medical Curriculum EEMeC
STAR Supporting Training and Revalidation
Improving your teaching:
UofE Institute for Academic Development
MSc in Clinical Education
Knowledge Network Scotland [used to be eLibrary]
Scottish Clinical Skills Network (SCSN)
ADEE Association for Dental Education in Europe
AMEE Association for Medical Education in Europe
ASME Association for the Study of Medical Education
AOME Academy of Medical Educators
AOMRC Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
Faculty of Surgical Trainers RCSEd
Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine
MEDEV The HEA Subject Centre for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine
NACT National Association of Clinical Tutors
NAPCE National Association of Primary Care Educators
NES NHS Education for Scotland
Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)
UK Conference of Postgraduate Education Advisors in General Practice