November 2017


Through the Looking Glass - exploring the hidden curriculum

22 November 2017, Chancellor's Building, Little France

FREE to all NHS and University staff in South East Scotland

The South East Faculty of Clinical Educators are pleased to announce their seventh symposium to be held in the afternoon of Wednesday, 22nd November 2017.  We are delighted that Professor Peter Cantillon MB BCH BAO, MSc, MRCGP, MHPE will be delivering the keynote lecture.

Professor Peter Cantillon is an educationalist with a special interest in clinical education and teacher development. He holds a personal chair in primary care at NUI Galway in Ireland.  Peter leads in faculty development in his own institution and throughout Ireland via the Irish Network for Medical Educators, (INMED), an organisation dedicated to health professions education scholarship that he helped to establish in 2008.  He also directs Ireland’s first Masters in Clinical Education program.  Peter has developed an international reputation in the study of clinical education and workplace learning.  Through his publications he has also endeavoured to make learning theory accessible for clinical educators through journal and book publications such as the “teaching rounds” series with the BMJ in 2008 and the ABC of Learning and Teaching, (third edition Sept 2017).

Provisional Programme

12.30pm Registration (in the foyer of Chancellor's Building)

1.15pm  Welcome and introduction (Prof Morwenna Wood, Director of Medical Education, NHS Fife; Chair of SEFCE Board) - Lecture Theatre A

1.30pm    Break-out Sessions

1.  The Importance of Learning from Excellence; how we build a learning system (Dr Sara Robinson) - Resus Room, Clinical Skills   


2.  Culture Beats Strategy for Breakfast (Dr Janet Skinner) - Seminar Room 4


3.  Reaching and teaching the goldfish generation (Clinical Skills Team) - Seminar Room 6


4.  Thinking about Feedback (Dr Neil Lent) - Seminar Room 3


5.  The trouble with trusting: Exploring the use of Entrustable Professional Activities in Clinical Education (Dr Katy Rankin, Dr Shaun Qureshi) - Microlab 1


6.  Supporting Good Mental Health & Wellbeing of Junior Doctors in Medical Education (Lorraine Close) - Lecture Theatre A


7.  PATH – a tool for enhancing clinical education (Dr Derek Jones, Dr Tim Fawns)  - Seminer Room 2


8.  Mindfulness for Clinical Educators (Dr Susie Chater, Dr Maia Forrester)  - Skills Lab, Clinical Skills

3.00pm  Tea / coffee (Seminar Room 2 and Undergraduate Medical Teaching Room)

3.30pm  Presentation of 2017 SEFCE Awards and CEP Level 3 Certificates 

4.00pm Plenary Lecture

              Professor Peter Cantillon: "It's what's unsaid: revealing the hidden curriculum of clinical education"

5.00pm  Closing Remarks

Further information on this event will be provided in due course