SEFCE Symposium 2022




9 November 2022 from 09.00 

Venue - Room G1, Paterson's Land, Holyrood Campus (please use St John's Street entrance, not Holyrood Road entrance) 

FREE to all NHS staff, University staff and students.  

The South East Faculty of Clinical Educators are pleased to announce their ninth symposium to be held iin the morning of Wednesday, 9 November 2022 from 09.00 to 12.30. Registration opens 08.30

To secure your place, please use the online survey at:  

This year’s Symposium is being organised in collaboration with You Can Be A Doctor and will be themed around Widening Participation.  You Can Be A Doctor is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (Charity number SC046620) founded and run by a team of doctors and medical students. They support students from a widening participation background across Scotland who are considering applying to study medicine and they work passionately towards equal opportunity for young people from areas and schools that do not have a tradition of sending students to medical school. Their dedication to these goals comes from their belief that social diversity in the medical profession benefits both healthcare systems and patients 



Our first keynote speaker is Safwan Baksh.  Safwan is a second year medical student at Edinburgh University who is a widening participation student, born and brought up in Edinburgh. My hobbies are playing volleyball, doing archery and going out for food with my friends. I enjoy learning fun new skills such as solving a Rubik's cube or doing a handstand. My favourite system that I've learnt about at university so far is the Nervous System because there are a lot of unanswered questions which I find mysterious and interesting.

Our second keynote speaker is Dr Adam Capek. Adam is a Consultant Anaesthetist at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary, and he has had a longstanding interest in education.  He is a Royal College of Anaesthetists College Tutor and a Medical Director for Resuscitation Council UK Advanced Life Support courses. In 2018 Adam was appointed as a Clinical Lead for Widening Access to Medicine within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.  Adam is a passionate advocate for widening participation within the medical workforce and has spoken at a number of events including the NHS Education for Scotland Scottish Medical Educators Conference 2018 and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Excellence in Education Awards evening in 2019.  Adam has been involved in the implementation of the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde "Get Ready for Medicine" work experience programme which aims to provide fair access to work experience for prospective medical students from all backgrounds.  He has also co-produced a number of online work experience resources which have all been made free-to-access and is current chair of the Medicine Outreach Glasgow Widening Access Initiative involving Health Board and University staff and students in the West of Scotland.

Adam has enjoyed collaborations with a number of local and national groups to ensure ongoing high quality widening participation resources and support throughout the pandemic.

“My Journey Into Medicine” (Safwan Baksh)

Safwan will talk about his experience of learning about medical school, applying to medical school and integrating into medical school from a widening participation background. He will discuss how his background put him me at a disadvantage compared to others and how widening participation helped to reduce that disadvantage.

“Widening Participation in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde" (Adam Capek) 

We will discuss the progression of Widening Participation in Medicine in the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board and some of the challenges that remain in implementing a fair and fit-for-purpose work experience programme for candidates from all backgrounds.  We will discuss how the pandemic brought opportunities as well as problems in the delivery of Widening Participation and think about some key messages for others looking to create their own programmes.

Please feel free to contact us at if you have any queries.