SEFCE Symposium 2019 - Videos Now Available
You can now watch the SEFCE 2019 Teaching Awards and Vybarr Cregan-Reid's keynote lecture from the SEFCE Symposium 2019 by clicking on the link:-
We're now using Twitter for sharing all our latest news!
To keep up to date on events, award nominations and all important news from CEP and SEFCE, please follow CEP on Twitter @CEP_UofE.
SEFCE Teaching Awards 2018
Our survey for this year's nominations is now open. Please get nominating for all 4 categories; Clinical Educator, Young Clinical Educator (ST4 or below), Clinical tutor Associate and Personal Tutor. The link to use is
We are just as happy to award these to clinicians who work away behind the scenes to help and support their learners as much as those on the frontline
No SEFCE Symposium in 2018
A decsion has been taken by the SEFCE Board not to proceed with hosting a Symposium in 2018. Watch this space for future announcements.
If you are needing to revalidate for the Clinical Educator Programme please contact the team on if you are unsure about alternatives
SEFCE Symposium 2017 - Available to watch
The plenary sessions of the SEFCE Symposium 2017 are now available to watch at
SEFCE Teaching Awards 2017 - Winners
Congratulations to all our winners:
Clinical Tutor Associate of the Year |
Aoife Duignan and Alexandra Stirzaker |
Personal Tutor of the Year |
Sally Clive |
Young Clinical Educator of the Year |
Thom O'Neill |
Clinical Educator of the Year |
Hilary Devlin and Neil Grubb |
A full list of nominees in each category can be seen at
8th Annual SEFCE Symposium - one day to go
We're all excited about spending tomorrow afternoon exploring the hidden curriculum and look forward to seeing you all then
Final Call for SEFCE Awards - Closing date 15.10.17
To remind all who have not had a chance to nominate anyone yet that our call for nominations for the annual SEFCE awards closes on 15th october. We've had a great response so far but would welcome further nominations, especially in the category of Young Clinical educator of the Year (ST4 or below)
Please nominate using the following link:
New website launch
Exciting times for SEFCE and CEP. Both have had a makeover and the results will be revelaed tomorrow
SEFCE Teaching Awards - Nominations now Open
It’s that time of year again. We need your nominations!
Have you had some great teaching and want that person to be recognised? Do you have a trainee you’d like to be rewarded for their teaching? Do you know an outstanding Clinical Tutor Associate or Personal Tutor?
Nominations for the South East Faculty of Clinical Educators teaching awards are now open in all categories. Please nominate someone and encourage friends and colleagues to do the same - feel free to nominate individuals for more than one category.
Clinical Educator of the Year |
(eg ST4+ / GP / SAS / Consultant / Allied Health Professional) |
Young Clinical Educator of the Year |
(eg FY / CT 1-2 / ST 1-3) |
Personal Tutor of the Year |
Clinical Tutor Associate of the Year |
(CTA) |
Please nominate using the following link: Closing date 9th October!!
The awards will be presented at the SEFCE Symposium on the 22nd November 2017
The SEFCE awards are in addition to the EUSA teaching awards which will take place next year.
SEFCE Symposium 2017

THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS - the Hidden Curriculum
22 November 2017, Chancellor's Building, Little France
FREE to all NHS and University staff in South East Scotland
The South East Faculty of Clinical Educators are pleased to announce their seventh symposium to be held in the afternoon of Wednesday, 22nd November 2017. We are delighted that Professor Peter Cantillon MB BCH BAO, MSc, MRCGP, MHPE will be delivering the keynote lecture.
Peter Cantillon is an educationalist with a special interest in clinical education and teacher development. He holds a personal chair in primary care at NUI Galway in Ireland. Peter leads in faculty development in his own institution and throughout Ireland via the Irish Network for Medical Educators, (INMED), an organisation dedicated to health professions education scholarship that he helped to establish in 2008. He also directs Ireland’s first Masters in Clinical Education program. Peter has developed an international reputation in the study of clinical education and workplace learning. Through his publications he has also endeavoured to make learning theory accessible for clinical educators through journal and book publications such as the “teaching rounds” series with the BMJ in 2008 and the ABC of Learning and Teaching, (third edition due August 2017).
Provisional Programme
12.30pm |
Registration |
1.15pm |
Welcome |
1.30pm |
Break out sessions |
each workshop will align to one Framework Area for GMC Recognition of Trainers |
3.00pm |
Break (refreshments provided) |
3.30pm |
SEFCE Teaching Awards |
4.00pm |
Keynote (followed by Q&A) Professor Peter Cantillon |
"It's what's unsaid: revealing the hidden curriculum of clinical education" |
5.00pm |
Closing Remarks |
Withdrawal of London Deanery online modules
The London Deanery online modules which we signpost you to (particularly to cover Framework Areas 4-6) have been withdrawn and migrated over to the new HEE e-Learning for Healthcare platform. We had not been informed about this so please bear with us while we organise institutional access and change all the links
Save the Date : SEFCE Symposium 2017
Date for the Diary : 22 November 2017
Venue: Chancellor's Building, Little France, Edinburgh
Time: 1.30pm to 5pm
We are pleased to announce that the keynote speaker for this year's symposium if Professor Peter Cantillon, Department of General Practice, Clinical Science Institute, NUI Galway. He is an educationalist with a special interest in clinical education and faculty development. He holds a personal chair in primary care. Professor Cantillon will talk about the relationship between developing professional identity/teacher identity and the social contexts in which teachers work.
Further details to follow.
Change to Requirements for CEP Level 1

It has been decided that the requirements for attaintment of Level 1 of the Clinical Educator Programme be changed so that a teaching observation and feedback session with one of the CEP tutors is no longer compulsory, effective from 31 January 2017.
Please note that you will still require to have a teaching observation and feedback session if you plan to go on to complete Levels 2 and 3.
We will be contacting people who only required a teaching observation and feedback session to send them their Level 1 certificate over the next couple of months. Please get in touch at if you have not heard from us and you think you have now completed Level 1, or if you have any queries.
2016 SEFCE Teaching Awards
Nominations are requested for the Clinical Educator 2016, Young Clinical Educator 2016, Personal Tutor of the Year and Clinical Tutor Associate of the year. Nominations for Personal Tutor and Clinical Tutor Associate of the year will be reviewed by the Student Support Management Group who will decide on the winners for these categories. The Clinical Educator Programme Team will award the winners in the Clinical Educator and Young Clinical Educator of the Year. Decisions will be based not only on the number of nominations made for each candidate but also on the reasons that you give for their nomination so it is really important to us that you express your reasons as clearly as possible. Any queries about this process please get in touch with us at
Please send in your nominations using this link
Closing date 17 October 2016
SEFCE Symposium - Dr Rangan Chatterjee

What do patients really want from healthcare? Why does this matter in medical education?
16 November 2016, Chancellor’s Building, Little France
We are excited to announce that we have confirmed our keynote speaker as Dr Rangan Chatterjee MBChB, BSc (Hons), MRCP, MRCGP.
Dr Rangan Chatterjee is a practicing NHS GP. He is a member of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and the Royal College of General Practitioners.
He holds a BSc Honours Degree in Immunology and is a member of the Institute of Functional Medicine.
He passionately advocates and follows a philosophy that lifestyle and nutrition are first line medicine and the cornerstone of good health.He is dedicated to finding the root cause of ill health rather than simply suppressing symptoms with drugs.
He uses his media profile to share as widely as possible his belief that good health is achievable for all by following simple and practical lifestyle advice.
TV: Doctor in the House, BBC One, Nov 2015 [3x60]
The afternoon will start with lunch and registration at 12.30pm, with the Plenary at 2pm, and close at 5pm. We are currently working on the breakout sessions, which will tie in with Dr Chatterjee’s plenary lecture, and will send further details and a registration form as soon as they are finalised.
In the meantime, please pre-register to secure a place by contacting us at
We look forward to seeing you there.
Exciting News: Introduction to Simulation Workshop
We are pleased to announce that the local Clinical Leads for Simulation, have collaborated with the Clinical Educator Programme to develop a new workshop which aims to equip senior staff with an understanding of how simulation can deliver education aligned with specialty specific curricula and contribute to safe and effective patient care. We are hoping to attract senior staff (e.g. clinical directors, training programme directors, consultants, clinical nurse managers, senior charge nurses and clinical educators) who might be interested in developing the educational culture within departments.
There will be a workshop delivered at each adult site:
RIE: 10th November 2016 10am-12noon
WGH: 15th December 2016 10am-12noon
SJH: 9th February 2017 10am-12noon
The workshop will be CPD accredited and free to attend. To book a place please register for the Tutorial Booking System (TuBS) at (please select Clinical Educator Programme-CEP as one of your groups and an appropriate role when you first log in to access CEP workshops), which details available dates and venues.
Simon Edgar's Effective Supervision online lecture
This resource accompanies our new and improved Effective Supervision workshop but we feel that it contains so much relevant info it is worthwhile viewing for anyone involved in clinical supervision not just those planning to attend the workshop. Please let us know what you think
Teaching Observation and Feedback Sessions
In view of the July deadline fast approaching for Recognition of Trainers we have had to start prioritising allocation of these feedback sessions. Priority will be given to any in named roles requiring recognition. We are still happy to arrange to observe trainees or those in other professions but ask that they accept provisional bookings only. We will confirm these within 2 weeks of the requested time.
We appreciate that this will be disappointing news for some but this is only a temporary measure and normal service will be resumed as soon as possible. Please bear with us over the next months. 2016 is going to be very busy for us!
New Effective Supervision Workshop
The Effective Supervision workshop is changing! From 2016, the workshop will be shortened to 2 hours and there will be more time than before for interaction. The new workshop is complemented by a 30 minute online lecture, which presents much of the core factual material that was previously in our 3 hour workshop. We are very pleased with the changes as they will allow for more discussion during the workshop. We look forward to seeing you there!
SEFCE Symposium - Videos
Vidoes of the Mona Siddiqui's keynote lecture, as well as the introduction and teaching awards are now available to view on the SEFCE website at
SEFCE Symposium
Attached here are the instructions for completing our E&D quiz as well as a link to our online evaluation. If you've not given us your feedback please do so -we're also asking for suggestions for future SymposiaSEFCE Symposium Equality and Diversity Quiz and Evaluation instructions.docx
Guidance on Requests for RoT routes other than CEP completion
As the July 2016 approaches we are receiving many requests to review educational portfolios for those in named roles who wish to use prior learning rather than CEP as supporting information for GMC Recognition and Approval of Trainers. Can we ask that any of you in this position have a look at the Scottish Trainer Framework website first as this site contains all the information and suggestions that you are likely to need. If having done this you still need individual advice then please contact us and we will be happy to help but please note that there may be a delay of 2-3 weeks before we can respnd to your query. For those of you in Lothian advice can also be sought from
SEFCE Symposium 2015

The South East Faculty of Clinical Educators (SEFCE) are pleased to announce their sixth symposium, which is FREE to all NHS and University of Edinburgh staff.
WHEN? 12.30-5pm, Wednesday, 18 November 2015
WHO? Professor Mona Siddiqui will deliver the keynote address: “Diversity in UK Medical Education - Does It Matter?” The symposium will also include the SEFCE Teaching Awards 2015, as well as short lectures and discussion on sexism in medicine, disability, culture and ethnicity, LGBT+ student and patient perspectives, issues that divide Scotland, ageism, and class awareness & bias.
WHERE? Chancellor’s Building LTA, University of Edinburgh, Little France
Further information and a full provisional programme can be found at
*’Equality and Diversity’ certification equivalent to LearnPro, CEP or UoE online modules will be provided following the completion of a short online assessment which will be made available to all participants after the symposium.
Kendell Award for Teaching in Medicine

Congratulations to Professor Jamie Davies (School of Biomedical Sciences) who was presented with the Kendell Award for Teaching in Medicine at the EUSA Teaching Awards ceremony on 22 April 2015. Congratulations also to the runner-up, Dr Amy Chandler (School of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences).
2016 Workshops

Clinical Educator Programme workshops for January to July 2016 are now available to book through the Tutorial Booking System (TuBS) (please select Clinical Educator Programme-CEP as your group and an appropriate role when you first log in to access CEP workshops). The workshops for the rest of 2016 will go live by the end of 2015.
VIDEO: Professor Stephen Billett, Griffith University, Australia
‘This talk advances an account of how learning for and through occupational practice, such as those in healthcare, progresses and might be enhanced. It proposes the need for a science of learning through practice that can inform effective occupational preparation, on-going development across working lives and the transformation of work and occupational practices. Current conceptions, norms and practices of learning are held to be overly premised on and shaped by practices and precepts of educational institutions and their provisions (i.e. schooled societies).
In making its case, the talk draws upon historical, anthropological, empirical workplace-based inquiries found within social constructivism and cultural psychology, as well as recent advances with within cognitive science in making its conceptual case.’
Dr Stephen Billett, 9 December 2014
Learning through Practice: Advancing a Curriculum, Pedagogy and Epistemologies of Practice from SEFCE on Vimeo.
We believe great educators and supporters of students should be recognised - so we did! The SEFCE teaching award winners 2014

This year we received a phenomenal number of nominations for the teaching awards, many congratulations to those who were nominated. The award winners were:
Clinical Educator of the Year Professor Morwenna Wood
Young Clinical Educator of the Year Dr Ian Young
Personal Tutor of the Year Dr Rosamunde Burns and Dr Steve Morley
Clinical Tutor Associate of the Year Dr Alexander Walker
Congratulations to the CEP Level 3 Graduates!

Catch up or listen again to the inspiring David Roberts keynote lecture from SEFCE Symposium 2014
View in the window or click to view in your browser
South East Scotland staff scoop prizes in the inaugural NES Medical Directorate Awards

The first NES Awards in May 2014 recognised excellence in many areas of medical education and training. South East Scotland staff including Rebecca Shearer, Andrew Story and Team, and Debbie Aitken and Team won prizes while many more were short-listed.
For full details with photographs see the attached resource: NES Medical Directorate Awards 2014
ESSCE Keynote Lecture 2014

Dr. Andrew Elder, entitled "Ensuring the future of Clinical Skills".
Wednesday, 13 August 2014 from 1pm to 2pm in Chancellor's Building, Lecture Theatre A
Andrew Elder BSC MBChb FRCP (Lon) FRCPS(Glas) FRCP(Ed)
Andrew Elder is a Consultant Physician in Acute Medicine for Older People at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK and an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh Medical School, from where he graduated as BSc in 1979 and MBChB in 1982.
He has held a number of positions relating to undergraduate and postgraduate medical teaching and assessment at local and national levels, and is currently Medical Director of MRCP(UK) and responsible for the global delivery of fifteen high stakes assessments in internal medicine and its sub-specialties to around 25000 candidates around the world each year. Preceding this, from 2008-2013, he was Chair of the MRCP(UK) Clinical Examining Board for the PACES clinical skills examination – the largest international postgraduate clinical skills assessment in the world, with almost 5000 candidates sitting every year in fourteen different countries.
He is Chair of the UK national inter-collegiate forum Sharing Good Practice in Postgraduate Assessment and also leads the Clinical Practice Examination component of the Edinburgh MBChB “Finals” examinations.
He has a particular interest in the teaching and assessment of bedside clinical skills and has taught and examined clinical skills in sixteen countries, directly observed and reviewed many different clinical skills examinations, including the USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills examination, and provided advice on the design of a number of high stakes postgraduate clinical skills examinations – he is currently adviser to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists on the redesign of their examination.
In 2013 he spent three months at Stanford University Medical School as Visiting Associate Professor, where, working with Professor Abraham Verghese and the Stanford 25 team, he supported the Stanford Initiative in Bedside Medicine, to which he is now a Consultant.
You are welcome to attend this accredited session in person or via videoconference from a number of sites (details to be posted soon).
If you would like further details, please get in touch via
SEFCE Symposium 2014

SEFCE are pleased to announce their fifth symposium to be held in the afternoon of Thursday, 20 November 2014. We are delighted that Dr. David H. Roberts, an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School (HMS), will be delivering the keynote lecture entitled "Reaching and Teaching Millennial Learners". Dr Roberts is the Director of Faculty Development for the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) in Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Roberts is the Associate Director of the Shapiro Institute for Education and Research at BIDMC and he co-directs the annual continuing medical education course for medical educators from around the world, entitled Principles of Medical Education: Maximizing your Teaching Skills. Dr. Roberts is also the Associate Director of the Academy at HMS and his areas of investigation in medical education include understanding students' curiosity, critical thinking skills and use of technology in learning. Dr. Roberts has won many teaching awards including "Teacher of the Year" (2005) in the Combined Harvard Program in Pulmonary Medicine, HMS Faculty Prize for Excellence in Teaching (2006), the S. Robert Stone Award at BIDMC (2007), and the HMS Award for Best Clinical Instructor at BIDMC (2010)
The programme, in the Chancellor’s Building, University of Edinburgh, Little France, is free to all NHS and University of Edinburgh staff and includes several workshops (TBA) and the SEFCE Teaching Awards 2014, as well as the keynote address.
To book a place, pleaes contact
Congratulations to the SEFCE 2013 award winners!

For the first time during the SEFCE symposium 2013, awards were made in recognition of outstanding clinical and young clinical educators. Personal tutors and clinical tutor associates involved with undergraduate student support were also recognised. Congratulations to:
Clinical Educator of the Year 2013 Dr Jacqueline Maybin
Young Clinical Educator of the Year 2013 Dr Peter Sammon
Young Clinical Educator of the Year 2013 Dr Megan Hume
Personal Tutor of the Year 2013 Dr Janet Skinner
Clinical Tutor Associate of the Year 2013 Dr Kyle Gibson
Clinical Tutor Associate of the Year 2013 Dr James Richards
Congratulations also to the nominees for clinical educator and young clinical educator of the year:
Morwenna Wood, Nikolaos Arkoulis, Lynn McCallum, Ben Slater, Jane McNab, Anna Dover, Jonathan Bridges, Tom Marshall, Phil Reid, Ed Mellanby and Rob Waller.
ESSCE 2013 Keynote Lecture - Doctors in Difficulty

This keynote lecture by Dr Pauline McAvoy, Interim Medical Director of NCAS, as given at the August 2013 ESSCE symposium. In it, she covers how NCAS is a valable resource for both those in difficulty and the Trusts/Boards who they work for. Slides + Videos shown.
Watch in this window by clicking play below, or see at this link -
Vacancy: MSc Clinical Education Programme Coordinator

The MSc Clinical Education is an innovative distance-learning programme delivered using pre-recorded lectures, real-time online video-tutorials, and asynchronous online discussion. It is undertaken on a part-time basis by a wide range of healthcare professionals including doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other allied health professionals involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education. The postholder will assist the current Programme Coordinator and Directors with all aspects of the programme including curriculum development and management, admissions, teaching, assessment, student support, marketing and dissertation supervision. The postholder will also support the Edinburgh Summer School in Clinical Education, a very successful face to face week-long course that attracts local, national and international participants.
To find out more go to and search for vacancy number 022737
GEMEA-SEFCE Symposium 2013
We are delighted that Professor Olle ten Cate of the University of Utrecht will be delivering the keynote lecture, entitled "Are we Approaching the End of the Undergraduate Medical Degree as We Know It?".
The programme, in the Chancellor’s Building, University of Edinburgh, Little France, will run from 9am to 5pm, split into morning and afternoon sessions.
This symposium, including lunch, is free to all interested NHS and University staff. Bookings will be taken for the full day, morning only or afternoon only. For further information please see
Opportunities to teach in the MBChB

New information and contact details for anyone wanting to get involved in teaching Edinburgh undergraduate medical students is now freely available online. We are always delighted to hear from enthusiastic teachers who would like to contribute to educating our keen and able medical students on the Edinburgh MBChB. The main routes are through module and programme theme teaching, but there are also a few opportunities to undertake quite different activities such as staff training and developing resources. The new document 'Opportunities to Teach in the MBChB', linked as a resource on the webpage - - has been produced by the Centre for Medical Education and will be continuously updated.
Vacancy - exciting opportunity for a nurse educator to enhance the MBChB programme
This post offers a fantastic opportunity for a dynamic and enthusiastic nurse educator to enhance the undergraduate medical programme by teaching clinical and resuscitation skills to medical students. You will be part of a team providing a structured programme of Emergency Care, Clinical and Resuscitation Skills teaching within the Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre in Chancellor’s Building at Little France in Edinburgh. Applicants should have a recent clinical nursing background with excellent clinical skills and experience in teaching, learning, assessment and feedback.
New EEMeC is open

At you can see the beginning of New EEMeC. It's easier to use, and you can see a lot without a login. Further developments planned include a home page that will be much more of an all-comers Medical School home page.
Years 4 and 5 have material up so far. Year 3 soon, then 1 and 2. There is a link at the bottom right of the page where you can leave a comment if you are logged in.
Personal Chair for Dr Helen Cameron

At their meeting on 5th June, the University of Edinburgh Senatus approved a Personal Chair in (Undergraduate) Medical Education for Dr Helen Cameron. This recognises the immense and growing contribution that Helen has made to this field, both in Edinburgh, in relation to development of the MBChB curriculum, supporting colleagues in medical education, and linking with other parts of the University; and also nationally and internationally, such as her work in Lithuania and Malawi, and also recognises the current strengths of the Centre for Medical Education. The appointment comes into effect from 1st August 2013.
ESSCE 2013 Keynote - This Wednesday 14th August: Open Lecture and Video Conferenced

Doctors in Difficulty:Lessons from the National Clinical Assessment Service
Professor Pauline McAvoy MBChB MRCGP FRNZCGP Interim Medical Director (NCAS)
Wednesday 14th August 2013 1-2pm
Chancellors Building Auditorium A
Video-conferenced to other SE Scotland NHS sites
All welcome to attend
Lunch will be provided in Seminar Room 2 from 12:30 - 1pm
Please email if you would like to join us for lunch
The lecture will be video-conferenced to the following SE Scotland NHS sites:
Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy – TBC
Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary - Seminar Room 1, Education Centre, Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary.
Western General Hospital - Seminar Room 4, MEC on 3rd Floor of Outpatient Building
Borders General Hospital - Child Health Seminar Room
St John's Hospital, Livingston - Pentland Room, Education Centre
Vacancy: part-time Fellow in Medical Education - Personal Professional Development (PPD)
An exciting opportunity to make a major contribution to a core element of Edinburgh's MBChB. Pay scale: UEO8 £37,382-£44,607 (pro-rata 0.4FTE - 2 days per week). Closing date: Friday, 24 May 2013, 5.00pm GMT. For further information and details of how to apply, please see attached.
Dr Alwayn Leacock was runner-up for the Robert Kendell Prize in Medicine in 2013

Dr Alwayn Leacock was runner-up for the Robert Kendell Prize in Medicine in 2013. He is a Clinical Teaching Fellow and teaches obstetrics and gynaecology at Dumfries Royal Infirmary. Dr Leacock can be seen here, during the dinner organised by he Edinburgh University's Students' Association, with Simon Durkin, Lindsay Wright and Jie Lim, some of the year 4 medical students who proposed him for the award.
Dr Eleri Williams has won the Robert Kendell Prize for Excellence in Teaching in Medicine 2013

Dr Eleri Williams has won the Robert Kendell Prize for Excellence in Teaching in Medicine 2013, and received her award at a black-tie dinner in April, organised by the Edinburgh University's Students' Association. Dr Williams is currently Programme Organiser and Lecturer for the online Internal Medicine MSc which is run jointly with the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and is in its second year. The photo shows Dr Williams with Dr Can Özkan one of the students who proposed her for the prize.
2013 National Training Survey now open

The GMC survey opened on Tuesday 26 March 2013 (census date) and runs to Wednesday 8 May 2013. This is about a month earlier than the survey dates for last year. The survey will be open for 6 weeks rather than the 7 week period this year. This survey of trainee doctors is used as part of the quality strategy of the GMC. This is about a month earlier than the survey dates for 2012. The survey will be open for 6 weeks rather than the 7 week period this year. There was no trainER survey in 2012, and only some trainers will be surveyed in 2013. For more information, see
Highlights from the MBChB Programme Committee

Here is a summary of the Programme Committee's recent work, from Professor Neil Turner, Head of Undergraduate Medical Education.
Watch video on 'Future Leadership in Medical Education' by Professor Trudie Roberts.

'To Infinity and Beyond - Future Leadership in Medical Education'. This Keynote Address delivered at the Edinburgh Summer School in Clinical Education (ESSCE) on 15 August 2012 by Professor Trudie Roberts is now available. Click here to watch.
Edinburgh Summer School in Clinical Education Keynote Lecture

We are delighted to announce that the Edinburgh Summer School in Clinical Education (ESSCE) Keynote Lecture "To Infinity and Beyond –
Future Leadership in Medical Education" will be delivered by Professor Trudie Roberts on Wednesday 15th August 2012 from 1-2pm in the Chancellors Building Auditorium A.
All welcome to attend: lunch will be provided in Seminar Room 2 from 12:30 - 1pm. Please email if you would like to join us for lunch.
The lecture will be video-conferenced to the following SE Scotland NHS sites:
Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy - Education Centre Lecture Theatre
Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary - Lecture Theatre, Education Centre
Western General Hospital - Seminar Room 2, MEC
Borders General Hospital - TBC
St John's Hospital, Livingston - Pentland Room, Education Centre
GMC seeks Medical Panellists and Medical Performance Assessors
These opportunities are currently being advertised on the GMC website, in the BMJ and within other relevant publications and sites. The closing date for applications is midnight on Sunday 1 July 2012.
Those wishing to apply or find out more about the roles should visit our recruitment site at
Clinical Practice Exam - Examiners Briefing
The 12 minute presentation provides basic information on the content and structure of the CPE examination, and should be used to complement the information provided in the examiner guidebook. Although the presentation was designed specifically for examiners, it may also prove useful as a means of familiarising students with the examination.
View online here:
Professor Jamie Davies wins Robert Kendall prize for teaching in medicine

The Edinburgh University Students Association held their 4th annual teaching awards ceremony in the presence of the principal Professor Sir Timothy O'Shea at a black tie dinner in the Teviot Debating Hall on Tuesday 2 April. The Robert Kendall prize for teaching was set up in memory of Professor Robert Kendall, a gifted and enthusiastic teacher throughout his career at the University of Edinburgh (1974-91) during which time he was Professor of Psychiatry, and Dean of Faculty of Medicine (1986-90) before going on to be Chief Medical Officer for Scotland, and then President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Professor Jamie Davies, Professor of Experimental Anatomy, has been Director of Year 1 MBChB since 2008 and Module Organiser for renal teaching in Year 2 since 2011. When nominating Professor Davies, the students were full of praise for his clarity of style, his excellent feedback and his good humour as exemplified in this comment:
'Jamie Davies is a fantastic teacher. He is an excellent communicator and always makes sure that the lectures are interesting and engaging, particularly through humour. He is very well organised, goes at a good pace and his lecture slides are concise and easy to follow. He always takes into account students' views and opinions and makes it clear that students can email him at any time. As the Year 1 Director, he has been excellent in ensuring that students have good feedback sessions after exams, as well as organising private meeting with those who did not pass and offering advice. Jamie Davies always keeps an eye on the year group and isn't afraid to come to lectures and tell students off, for poor attendance. Students respect him and do not want to disappoint him. He is very approachable and is someone who students always look forward to having lectures with. For all that he does for us, he gets very little back - this award would therefore be a chance to thank Jamie Davies for his hard work.'
SEFCE doc wins ASME Young Researcher Award
Dr Vicky Tallentire has won the prestigious ASME Young Researcher Award 2012 for her work entitled ‘As easy as ABC?: Exploring and understanding the specific challenges faced by newly qualified doctors in acute care contexts’
This work was undertaken mainly during Vicky’s 2-year out of programme experience as a Fellow in Medical Education, at the Centre for Medical Education and forms the basis of her MD which she is currently completing.
Vicky, who has now returned to clinical practice as an ST4 in Acute and General Medicine, South East Scotland says ‘My work focuses on the specific challenges faced by newly qualified doctors as they endeavour to assess and treat acutely unwell patients, a key component of their role as ward-based medical practitioners. It explores this challenge from the perspectives of behavioural influences and error and reveals the complex and interacting influences on the behaviours of newly qualified doctors, in relation to both internal cognition and external socio-cultural influences.’
Hear more about Vicky’s work at the Annual Scientific Meeting of ASME to be held in Brighton on 18-20 July 2012 or contact Vicky at
For further information about the Annual Scientific Meeting of ASME visit
We need to improve academic feedback
Academic feedback is a high priority development for the medical school.
Please take a look at the online leaflet Academic Feedback in the MBChB since it sets out the standards for each item of assessment. If you have ideas on how to improve academic feedback for the medical students you teach please contact the Module Organiser or Year Director you are involved with or get in touch with the Director of the Centre for Medical Education
Our national scores for academic feedback are relatively poor in an otherwise very strong performance and we think we should do better.
Personal Tutors: coming your way
The University is introducing a major new project which will enhance the student experience. A series of initiatives to strengthen the framework of academic and pastoral support will be phased in from next academic year. A new Personal Tutor scheme for undergraduates will help students to review their academic progress and reflect on their future development. This will be combined with A development of student peer support in partnership with EUSA A strengthening of University-wide student services Expanded resource materials and IT tools.
There will be opportunities for students and staff to contribute to the development of the project via meetings and stakeholder groups.
From Professor Dai Hounsell, Vice Principal, Academic Enhancement
For web article see:
Professor Allan Cumming will become the first ever Dean of Students in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine on 1 May 2012.
New head of undergraduate teaching

Professor Sir John Savill informed staff in the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine of Professor Allan Cumming’s retirement in the following message in December 2011................
Professor Allan Cumming, will retire on 31st March 2012. He has made a truly outstanding contribution to the College and I am sure you will join me in offering heartfelt thanks for his work.
The Director of Undergraduate Learning and Teaching role is complex and challenging. I am delighted to announce that Professor Neil Turner has accepted my invitation to take up the role on a fixed-term basis from 31 March 2012 to 30 September 2013. Neil will not only ensure smooth transition, but will undertake a critical appraisal of our teaching structures so that a modernised role can be advertised in Spring 2013.
Lastly, we are not losing Allan completely! He will return in May 2012 as the College’s first ever Dean of Students, to plan and introduce a new personal academic tutor system across the College, with support from Heads of School – further details will follow. We will be looking to make a definitive appointment to the role in Autumn 2013.
St Johns Simulation Centre

To further develop the 'Sim Man' recently bought for St Johns Hospital last year, a state of the art simulation centre will be built to house him, linking with the adjacent Telepresence video-conferencing suits and hence with other sites across the NHS and University.
This will allow staff to rehearse medical emergencies in safety, but in pretty real life [and real time!] conditions.
Edinburgh Summer School in Clinical Education (ESSCE) registrations now open

Are you enthusiastic about helping clinical students learn? Do you see yourself leading quality improvements in education, for the benefit of students and patient care? If so, this is the course for you.
The Edinburgh Summer School runs from 13th to 17th August 2012 and is a week packed with workshops to develop your skills around teaching, learning and assessment - and enough theory to give you the tools and the confidence to lead change, evaluate developments and ensure excellence in your future practice.
The social programme includes a Evening Reception and a Course Dinner and in the evenings you may wish to explore the potpourri of events in the internationally famous Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
An outline programme and details for further information and registration are available for download.
Faculty Development Survey now complete
Thank you to all 1,026 of you who completed the Faculty Development for Scotland core competencies survey. The survey is now closed and the data being analysed. The findings will be distributed and posted here when available. If any of you have further comments or wish more information, feel free to contact Michael Ross at to launch 22nd February will officially launch on the 22nd February to coincide with the 2012 SEFCE Symposium.
Audio and Video

The first SEFCE symposium was help in March 2011 and the sessions were recorded - see more at More will be added after each symposium.