The SEFCE Board is made up from representatives from the regional healthboards, deanery and university.
- Ms Debbie Aitken, Director of the Clinical Educator Programme, Edinburgh Medical School
- Dr Simon Edgar, Director of Medical Education, NHS Lothian
- Mr Alan Gilchrist, Learning and Teaching IT Programme Manager, University of Edinburgh
- Professor Adam Hill, Postgraduate Dean, NHS Education for Scotland
- Professor David Kluth, Director of Undergraduate Medical Education, Edinburgh Medical School
- Dr Marie Mathers, Consultant NHS Lothian representing the Clinical Educator Programme Faculty
- Dr Hannah Monaghan, Deputy Director of Medical Education, NHS Lothian (Chair)
- Dr Jane Montgomery, Director of Medical Education, NHS Borders
- Professor Morwenna Wood, Director of Medical Education, NHS Fife
- Mr Keith Wylde, ACT Officer, University of Edinburgh
- Professor John Zajicek, Professor of Medicine, University of St Andrews